Justia Brand Assets - Justia Brand

Justia Brand

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Justia Icon

The Justia icon evokes the full Justia logo, with the same colors and font and the corresponding symbolism.

Justia Color Palettes

The Justia Color Palettes play a pivotal role in developing a solid Brand Identity while creating visual identity and enhancing user experience. Through strict adherence to these palettes, designers and developers are able to maintain a consistent use of colors and bolster brand recognition.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (.,:;?!$&@*) 0123456789
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Justia Typography

Strong typography is an essential component of our identity. The typeface families we use emphasize clarity, strength, and precision.

Justia Badge

The Justia badge is part of the Justia Lawyer Rating and Reviews system of the Justia Lawyer Directory . The design of the Justia badge evokes credibility and trust. The badge is an important visual and identity asset for Justia, so it is important to display it correctly.

Justia 20th Anniversary Logo

The Justia 20th Anniversary logo integrates the letter 'J' into the number 20. To create contrast and ensure the 'J' stands out, an accent color is used and the elements are partitioned to create a stenciled look, a widely standard font style associated with 20th-century American design.