Justia Icon Basics

The official Justia icon is a white letter “J” within a Justia Blue field, in reference to the full Justia logo. It should be used on a white background whenever possible.

Justia Variations

If the official two-color icon is not feasible for design reasons, we provide a monochrome version for use in these contexts. Please do not recreate the icon; use only the artwork provided and follow our usage guidelines.

Icon Construction & Clear Space

The size of the “X” is based on the width of the letter “J” from the icon. This ensures that the distinctive components of the logo (padding, spacing between letters, and rounded corners) are proportional no matter its size or metric system.

The width of the J is determined by the typeface (Gotham Bold).

Icon Construction & Clear Space Sizing

To ensure the icon is always clear and legible, the minimum size of our icon is 0.34' in print, or 25px on screen.

Icon sizing
Background Colors & Photos

Like the official logo, the icon should be used on a white background for maximum impact and clarity. When this is not possible, be sure to choose background colors or photos that provide sufficient contrast with the icon.

Over white background
Over Justia Blue background
Over photography background
Over color background
Black and White Icon

When necessary to appear in black and white, the monochrome version of the Justia icon may be used instead of the color version. When using the monochrome version, take care to ensure adherence to other guidelines, such as contrasting background colors and sizing.

Over white background
Over black background
Over photography background
Over color background